19 de marzo de 2025 – La vida de Faith Evans ha estado marcada por la tragedia, el amor y la controversia.

En un nuevo relato desgarrador, la esposa del difunto rapero Notorious B.I.G.revela detalles íntimos sobre su relación con Tupac Shakur y cómo esto afectó su matrimonio con Biggie, en un episodio reciente de “Life Stories” en YouTube.

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Antes de su fatídica enemistad, Tupac y Biggie eran amigos cercanos.

Sin embargo, la historia cambió drásticamente cuando Faith se vio envuelta con Tupac.

En la entrevista, Faith comparte que, tras ser acusada de estar embarazada de Tupac, Biggie se llenó de ira y frustración.

“Yo estaba un poco asustada. Él estaba tan enojado”, confiesa.

La presión de los medios de comunicación solo intensificó la situación, convirtiendo a Faith en el “chivo expiatorio” de la enemistad entre los dos raperos.


Faith recuerda su primer encuentro con Tupac en Los Ángeles, donde él le expresó su admiración por su música y su deseo de colaborar en una canción.

En ese momento, Biggie siempre había hablado muy bien de Tupac, considerándolo un amigo cercano.

Sin embargo, lo que comenzó como una conexión profesional pronto se tornó en algo más complicado.


Cuando Faith fue al estudio para grabar “Wonder Why They Call You B****”, se sintió fuera de lugar.

“Era un momento extraño para mí.

No creo que se supone que debía estar allí”, dice.

New Music: Faith Evans and the Notorious B.I.G. – "Ten Wife Commandments" -  SPIN
A pesar de sus intenciones, la situación se volvió amenazante cuando Tupac insinuó que necesitaba algo más que solo una colaboración musical.

“Me quedé en shock”, recuerda Faith, quien se sintió humillada y asustada por la situación.


La relación de Faith y Biggie comenzó a deteriorarse a medida que él se volvía más famoso y pasaba más tiempo fuera de casa.

Faith, que también estaba creciendo en su carrera, se sentía sola y descuidada.

La situación se complicó aún más cuando Faith descubrió que Biggie había estado involucrado con Lil’ Kim, lo que la llevó a una confrontación dolorosa.

“Me sentí muy herida y humillada”, dice.


A medida que la tensión aumentaba, Faith decidió que era hora de separarse de Biggie.

“Tenía que buscar independencia”, explica.

Sin embargo, el drama no terminó ahí.

La relación entre Biggie y Tupac se volvió cada vez más hostil, y Faith se encontró atrapada en medio de una guerra de palabras y acusaciones.

Hear Biggie, Faith Evans' Clever 'Ten Wife Commandments'

La muerte de Tupac en 1996 fue un golpe devastador para todos los involucrados.

Faith recuerda el momento en que Biggie la llamó para informarle sobre la muerte de Tupac.

“Empecé a temer por la seguridad de Big”, dice.

La atmósfera se volvió cada vez más peligrosa, con amenazas de violencia en el aire.

La rivalidad entre las costas este y oeste se intensificó, y Faith se convirtió en un símbolo de esta lucha.


La trágica muerte de Biggie solo unos meses después de la de Tupac dejó a Faith devastada.

“Mi vida cambió en cuestión de segundos”, confiesa.

Con un bebé recién nacido y una hija pequeña, Faith se vio obligada a encontrar la fuerza para seguir adelante.

“No quería hacer nada.

Estaba en un estado de confusión”, admite.

Faith Evans & the Notorious B.I.G. - "Take Me There" (ft. Styles P & Sheek  Louch) - SPIN

Sin embargo, a pesar de su dolor, Faith encontró la manera de honrar la memoria de su esposo.

Junto a Puff Daddy, trabajó en el tributo “I’ll Be Missing You”, que se convirtió en un éxito internacional y un homenaje conmovedor a Biggie.

“Quería celebrar la vida que él vivió”, dice.


A lo largo de los años, Faith ha aprendido a sobrellevar su dolor y a encontrar un nuevo propósito en su vida.

Ha criado a sus hijos con amor y dedicación, asegurándose de que siempre recuerden a su padre.

“Siento que Dios me puso aquí para ser su madre y tengo que hacer el mejor trabajo posible”, afirma.


Faith también ha encontrado consuelo en la reconciliación con Lil’ Kim, quien también sufrió la pérdida de Biggie.

“No había razón para mantener resentimientos”, dice.

Esta nueva relación demuestra que, a pesar de las dificultades, es posible encontrar paz y unidad.

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La historia de Faith Evans es un testimonio de resiliencia y amor.

A través de la tragedia y la pérdida, ha encontrado la fuerza para seguir adelante y honrar la memoria de los hombres que amó.

“Siempre va a afectar mi vida que Big no esté aquí”, reflexiona.


Mientras continúa su carrera musical y se dedica a su familia, Faith espera que su historia inspire a otros a encontrar la esperanza en medio del dolor.

“Nunca sé cuántas personas toco con mi música”, concluye.

La vida de Faith Evans es un recordatorio de que, incluso en los momentos más oscuros, siempre hay una luz que brilla.


























Before their deadly falling out, Tupac and Biggie were close friends, but everything changed when Biggie’s wife, Faith Evans got involved with Tupac. And you said that you went to Tupac’s hotel room? When Faith got pregnant, Biggie accused her of carrying Tupac’s baby, and the media ran with it. I was a little scared.

He was so angry, then grabbing on me, and like, he was enraged. Everyone blamed Faith for escalating the war between the two men. Why was I the poster child for the beef? But nobody knows what really happened between Faith and Tupac, except the one woman who survived. I didn’t really know what I was walking into.

What do you want to say about your relationship or lack thereof with Tupac Shakur? Well… While I was in Los Angeles, that was when I met Tupac. Tupac told me he was a big fan and that he’d heard my music and that he would love to do a record with me one day. Big had always spoken very highly of Tupac. He really considered him like his homeboy.

We get to the studio, and the song was called “Wonder Why They Call You B****.” And it was just all such a very weird moment for me to be in this place and kind of almost realizing that I don’t think I’m supposed to be here. It was evident that Tupac knew what he was doing. Someone took a picture of them. It looks like they were sexually together.

I just knew I needed to get back home, talk to Big, and try to explain to him what, what really happened. When he finally came to talk to me, he was so angry that I barely got to say much of anything other than, “no, that’s not true.” Like, you know, I wouldn’t do that. Big wanna heart to heart believes her.

But then at the same time he’s got all these people in his ear saying, “yo, like, how you gonna let her play you like that?” When I decided to be his wife, I wanted to be married to him in a Their love story started during a photo shoot for Bad Boy Records where Faith was the only female artist signed. I was sitting at a, at the lunch table having a break and I think I was looking at some photographs and he asked could he see my pictures? Big was like, “is that your daughter?” And I’m like, “yes.

” And then he’s like, “oh, I have a daughter too.” So he would kind of come and make conversation or stand over me and ask, “who is that?” Like, I’m like, lookin’ at him like, you know, as if he knew me already. Something about him is very, was very warm and cozy, that type of guy. Just very warm and caring and physical.

He had never met anyone like Faith and he knew that from the second that he met her, that he was in love with her. From the moment he laid eyes on, he was like, “that’s my wife.” I think we both just knew we had very strong feelings and attraction that seemed a little strange because it was so soon, but it felt right.

Oh yeah, no question, that’s my own lady. What do y’all think y’all represent to a lot of young people out there? Unity. I hear you. They moved into an apartment in Brooklyn and started their new life together. I felt comfortable enough to move Chyna over there. He was always just very playful with Chyna. I do know that at some point she likened Big to her dad.

That was the feeling that, you know, he gave her, I guess. But after only a few months, Faith and Biggie’s relationship started to change when Biggie’s career took off. Big started being on the road a whole lot more. And I mean, and I was on the road as well, you know, by this time my record was out. I had, my career was going pretty well, but he started spending a lot more time away from our apartment and you know, he would be in hotels in the city, you know and it was kind of like, it just didn’t feel right.

Big went on the road with the Junior Mafia and Lil Kim. My first impression of Kim was, she was cool. I really thought she was cool. She was fun, Big kind of encouraged me to befriend her, you know. It was like, okay, that’s his artist. I didn’t have a problem with that at all. He used to be like, “oh, take Kim to the gym, or take Kim shopping with you.

” Or you know, whatever. I remember even a time when Big was staying at a hotel and Kim was there, but I didn’t think anything of it. I remember her going on the radio saying like, something about me and Big and there’s no rings. And it was just weird to me why she would be speaking on me and our marriage. Kim was talking about Big in a way that could have been construed as a romantic relationship.